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Size Guide|童裝服飾建議尺寸 ➤

babyMADISON 時尚童裝精品旗艦店

微風集團於2015年創立複合式童裝品牌『 babyMADISON 』,網羅全球精品童裝品牌 - BURBERRY, BALMAIN, ChloéDolce & GabbanaFENDI,

GivenchyHugo BossLANVINMarc JacobMoncler Enfant

MoschinoMSGMStella McCartneyYoung Versace ... 等品牌打造 IT BABY。


除了童裝,也引進嬰兒推車、玩偶、特製幼兒書籍…等眾多嬰幼兒周邊商品,種類豐富多樣且精緻,受到時尚媽咪們的喜愛。藝人賈靜雯、林嘉綺、林牧潔、昆凌、周汶綺、童星池東澤等都是愛好者。babyMADISON 還針對滿月週歲、重要節慶、派對場合等,提供精選禮物盒,成為名媛間送禮的首選品牌。

2017 年引進近 20 個國際一線設計師童裝品牌,希冀帶給小小消費者精緻的購物選擇,並創造美好的購物感受。

All Brands List:



Capitalizing on the multi-brand concept of MADISON boutique footwear, [babyMADISON] aims to enter the children’s apparel market as a multi-brand store.

Focuses primarily on comfort, while complimented with elements of fashion and style. Extending the idea of a fashionable “it girl”, we target the parents of “it kids”.

These fashion sensitive celebrity or middle class parents go to great lengths and spare no expenses when it comes to their children’s wardrobe.

[babyMADISON] Multi-Brand Kids Wear Boutique procures around 20 of the most popular international brands that have not debuted in Taiwan yet. Price range for those brands is set at moderate or moderately high.

Aside from children’s apparel, a gift line will be created under [babyMADISON] GIFT, offering all types of daily products, sundry items, children’s books… etc., making it a one stop gift store when shopping for baby shower presents.

【 babyMADISON 】Taiwan Store
